My First Crush: A Journey into Young Love

Write about your first crush.

Everyone remembers their first crush—the butterflies in the stomach, the rush of excitement, and the innocence of young love. It’s a rite of passage that marks the beginning of our understanding of affection and attraction. My first crush was no different, and the memory of it still brings a nostalgic smile to my face.

The Beginning

It all started in the fourth grade. His name was Alex, and he was the new boy in our class. He had a radiant smile, twinkling blue eyes, and a laugh that was infectious. From the moment he walked into the classroom, I was smitten. I found myself looking forward to school in a way I never had before.

The Signs

The signs of my crush were textbook. My palms would get sweaty when he was near, and I’d feel an inexplicable sense of happiness just by being in the same room as him. I started paying more attention to my appearance, making sure my hair was combed and my clothes were neat. My friends noticed my sudden interest in Alex and teased me endlessly, but I didn’t mind. In fact, I secretly enjoyed it because it made me feel closer to him in some way.

The Interactions

Interacting with Alex was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I remember one particular day during recess when we ended up on the same team for a game of kickball. As fate would have it, I scored the winning point, and he congratulated me with a high-five. That brief touch felt like electricity coursing through my veins. It was a moment of pure joy and validation.

The Confession

As the weeks passed, my feelings for Alex only grew stronger. I decided I had to tell him how I felt. With the encouragement of my best friend, I wrote a simple note that read, “I like you. Do you like me?” I folded it carefully and, with a pounding heart, slipped it into his desk when no one was looking.

The wait for his response felt eternal. When he finally handed me a folded piece of paper, my hands trembled as I opened it. His reply was short and sweet: “I like you too.” That was it. Those four words were enough to send me over the moon. We didn’t know what to do next, but just knowing that he felt the same way was enough.

The Innocence

Looking back, the beauty of my first crush lay in its innocence. We never went on dates or held hands, and our relationship was nothing more than shared smiles and the occasional note. Yet, it was a significant and formative experience. It taught me about vulnerability, courage, and the simple joy of liking someone.

The End

As often happens with young love, our crush faded as we grew older and moved on to different schools. But the memory of Alex and my first crush remains a cherished chapter in my life story. It was a time of discovery and pure, unfiltered emotion, and it shaped my understanding of relationships in a gentle, unforgettable way.


First crushes are a universal experience, a small but important part of growing up. They remind us of the sweetness of young love and the simple pleasures of connection and admiration. My first crush on Alex may have been fleeting, but the impact it had on my heart and my life is lasting. It was a beautiful beginning to the complex and wonderful journey of love.

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